In some communities, beaches are reopening, much to the satisfaction of cooped up swimmers! While many pools still remain closed, swimmers are venturing into the lakes, rivers and oceans in their area to get some much-needed swimming in. 

Like us, you’re probably excited about diving in again! But it’s important to be smart during your first workout back. Many of us have been out of the water for 2 months or more. Check out our tips for a successful open water swim!

Watch the Video

Planning Your First Open Water Swim After Quarantine

For this first swim, don’t worry about distance or pace. Just enjoy being back in the water! Mix up your strokes, float on your back and work on technique. If you try to do too much, you could injure yourself.

Open Water Swimming

Related: 3 Tips for Cold Open Water Swimming

Check the weather the night before so you’re aware of the conditions. Plan your route and find a buddy who will swim with you or watch you from the shore. Safety should be your number one priority!

If you have an Apple Watch, make sure you track your swim with MySwimPro! See real-time distance and heart rate, your average 100 pace and share a cool map of your swim route when you’re done!

Related: Open Water Swimming with Apple Watch

Open Water Swimming Equipment

Prepare your gear the night before your swim to make sure you have everything you need. In addition to your swimsuit and goggles, you may choose to use the following:

  • Swim cap (ideally bright colored for visibility)
  • Wetsuit and neoprene socks and gloves (for cold water)
  • Floatation buoy (can store your phone and other items during your swim)
  • Earplugs
  • A towel, water and a snack for after your swim

Related: Check out our favorite swimming equipment!

Open Water Swimming Tips for Beginners

  • Be aware of your surroundings: where will you get in? Where will you get out? Is there a lot of boat traffic? 
  • Have a plan: Figure out exactly where you’re planning to swim and how far. Stick with it!
  • Get a swim buddy: It’s important to have someone watching you while you swim. If you’re doing a longer swim, having a buddy in a kayak or on a stand up paddle board can be great for refueling and staying hydrated
  • Have the right gear: Make sure you have a bright colored swim cap, goggles and a swimsuit. A wetsuit and floatation buoy are not required, but are a big bonus for comfort and visibility. Check out our recommended open water gear here!
  • Do a dynamic warm up: Open water can be very cold and can shock your body. It’s important to get your body warmed up and ready to go before you dive in.

For a deep dive into these open water tips, check out this video!

Read the blog here.

Have you done an open water swim recently? Let us know how it went in the comments! For more open water swimming tips and training resources, download the MySwimPro app! Get a personalized Training Plan and Guided Workouts designed to help you reach your goals in the pool or open water. Save $35 on your first year of training with code SWIM35 >



  1. James Conkey on

    All of your videos are always packed with great information. Thank you for sharing your excellent coaching!

  2. Alfonso Rafael Garcia on

    Hola desde Yucatán, Mx. Gracias por todos los artículos y videos muy ilustrativos que nos comparten, tiene información muy valiosa para los nadadores, donde podría obtener mayor información de cómo funciona la app? los entrenamientos son personalizados o hay algún contacto (humano) en nuestro idioma para resolver dudas sobre los workouts? en un caso paarticular, en mi región aun no se permite nadar ni en albercas ni en las playas, sin embargo algunas rutinas de dryland o de nado atado en alberca (sin arrastrar errores de técnica) pueden ser muy útiles para fortalecimiento previo al retorno de aguas abiertas.
    saludos a todos

    • Taylor Holmes on

      ¡Hola! Visite para obtener información más detallada sobre cómo funciona la aplicación. ¡MySwimPro también está traducido al español! ¡Definitivamente descargue la aplicación y pruebe nuestros entrenamientos en tierras secas!

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