Did you know athletes from over 150+ countries are reaching their goals by training with the MySwimPro app?!

MySwimPro is the #1 app for connecting swimmers all over the world and it is the perfect training tool to keep you motivated. When you add friends on the MySwimPro app, you can share your progress with each other and add photos of your workouts to show off those #PoolViews on social media.
Related: Join our Facebook Community Group and introduce yourself!

Here’s how to share your workout with MySwimPro friends and your social media channels!
Adding a Photo to Your Workout 

  1. From your mobile device, go to your Personal Feed and tap on an activity you’d like to share.
  2. Click ‘Edit’
  3. Click ‘Change Image’ and upload your custom photo from your swim.
  4. Click ‘Edit Title’ if you’d like to create a custom name for the workout.
  5. Save– now your swim log looks 💯!

Sharing Activities on Social Media with the Analytics Filter

  1. From your mobile device, go to your Personal Feed and tap on an activity you’d like to share.
  2. Click the share icon.
  3. Click ‘Share’ from the menu.
  4. You can share your custom photo if you added a photo to your workout. If you do not have a photo on your workout, we will add the default photo for you to use.
  5. We’ll add relevant stats to your shared image. Select the light or dark colored theme that looks best.
    1. If you have a smartwatch that records your heart rate, you’ll see your heart rate graph featured!
    2. If you are swimming with a GPS  watch in open water, you’ll see your map featured!
  6. Export the image by clicking the share icon. You can save the image to your device or send it in a text message!
  7. Share it on social media! Add the image to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and remember to tag #MySwimPro and @myswimpro!
iOS share icon Android share icon

Thanks for being part of our global community of swimmers!

If you’re interested in more personal workouts, training plans and training videos, start your free 7-day trial of Premium! 


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